Marek Petrik

Marek Petrik

I am an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of New Hampshire. I am also a member of the artificial intelligence research group at UNH.

Before UNH, I was a Research Staff Member at the IBM’s T. J. Watson Research Center in Yorktown, NY. I received my Ph.D. from University of Massachusetts Amherst in 2010. My advisor was: Shlomo Zilberstein. In 2022/2023 I was also a visiting faculty researcher at Google Research in Mountain View, CA.

Research Interests

I am interested in robust data-driven decision making and in particular in reinforcement learning with limited data sets, risk aversion, and Bayesian models of uncertainty. My application areas include natural resource management, agriculture, and space physics. I had previously worked on applications in precision agriculture, natural resources, renewable energy management, supply chains, advertising, and others.


Contact Information

If you would like to meet with me, please email me.

  • Email:
  • Office Phone: +1-603-862-2682
  • Department of Computer Science, Kingsbury N215b, Durham, NH 03824